The 21st Karuk Reunion was Celebrated

Thanks to the Karuk Tribe for their Hospitality for the Community at the Reunion!!

“Ayakii,” you hear that friendly greeting in Karuk often in Happy Camp!
Last week was the 21st Karuk Tribal Reunion! Since we had plans to be in Sacramento Area for a family Celebration of Life this week, I’ve wanted to share some of the highlights from the Reunion.
On Friday evening there was a family movie night out on the lawn to see Maona and Brother Bear. The rest of the program was on Saturday. (With special thanks to Ellen Johnson!!)

People gathered at 7:30 in the morning to register for the 5K/2 mile Fun Run/Walk under the flagpole in the parking lot. Off they went at 8 am and they expected to return to the flagpole later by 10 am. Tents and other arrangements had been being arranged since 6 am and some even the year before. 8:30 breakfast was served in front of the Billing Office until gone.

Then more fun began, Bingo games were arranged by the Dental Staff.

Opening Ceremonies in the Main Tent began with Sonny Davis’ Opening prayer and song. Chairman Buster Attebery gave the welcome address. Two full blooded Tribal Members were recognized as well as 84 elders who are 85 or older.

There were sign ups for the Annual Poker Tournament, Horseshoe Tournament and more Bingo. Following the demonstration brush dance the girls who have made ceremonial dresses, displayed them.

Noon was lunch at the Senior Center for the elders. Later there was Poker Tournament under supervision of Barry Hockaday and Indian Card Games by Sam Super There’s cultural Immersion and Storytelling until three o’clock when the vendor booths close as well, so all could gather for the raffle drawings in the Main Tent.

Then at 4:30 pm there was a no charge dinner with everyone welcome in the multipurpose room. Indian Tacos, watermelon, Acorn Soup and Dessert were served!! How many places do you know where anyone puts on a dinner, at no charge for everyone in town; friends and relatives as well as many who come from other places, but have their roots in this area with the Karuk Tribe. It is a wonderful gathering and unique opportunity to all feel the unity of those who love the land along the Klamath River!

Some other vendors were also at the Reunion. Dolly Ellson was making her delicious strawberry lemonade. Abby Yeager was at the booth for the Happy Camp Community Center. No Farmer’s Market in August, but in the meantime Abby and Linda Zink will be busy with the final preparations for the Bigfoot Jamboree which will be September 1-3rd. Abby Rhodes was selling raffle tickets for the Bigfoot Jamboree at the last Farmer’s Market. All of the girls wishing to compete for Bigfoot jamboree Queen and Junior Queen will be selling tickets for a couple more weeks. You’ll want to get your tickets when you see the girls selling tickets!

Neighborhood Watch Booth
Becky Tiraterra had the best looking cookies and goodies for the Neighborhood Watch Bake Sale. The Neighborhood Watch appreciates all your donations to help them fight crime in our community. If you were unable to get there to support their efforts you may send a check of support to P. O. Box 573, Happy Camp, CA 96039.

The other thing that is greatly needed to help deter crime, is volunteers! If you have suggestions or help to fight crime you are most welcome to come to the meeting of the Neighborhood Watch the first Monday of each month (unless postponed.) That means the next meeting is August 7th at 5:30 p.m., September 12th.

Last month David Culbert was elected Chairman, Dan Effman continues as Vice Chairman, and Lisa Bousfield is the new Secretary/Treasurer. Bernard and Rebecca are also on the Board as Members at Large. Thanks to Randy White and Bruce Harlow for filling in until there were new volunteers for the officer’s positions, and for continuing to devote much time and effort to the Neighborhood Watch!

Touring back in time – Karuk Reunion musings

By Judy Bushy

It was at the Karuk Reunion that I had the pleasure of meeting Huddleston Oakes! Huddleston grew up Down River with his sister. His sister, Arlene, was the young girl who visited Stella in Dear Mad’m. What fun to talk with him about her! He said he didn’t hang around them much because of the Ladies there, well, he would have to behave!! He is listed, with Arlene in the 1939 Methodist Church rolls too. Their neighbors were the Southards mentioned by Re. Dr. Leon L. Loofbourow who was a circuit riding Methodist preacher who came and encouraged the building of the Log Church in Happy Camp which is the Bible Church now!! His mother, Virginia Effman Oakes, (and later added Anderson) wrote newspaper articles. Before my day, Debbie Wilkinson and Hazel Davis Gendron also wrote articles. It was also happy news to hear that he can read Klamath Views in Weed!

Huddleston had come for the Reunion, of course, with his son and others of his family, but he agreed to take time to give us a tour after lunch. Pauline (Sis) Atteberry and Jeanne Burrer were also at lunch, and Buster Atteberry stopped by as well. Buster mentioned that his Dad often spoke of childhood fun they shared and “Hud” recalled a fishing trip with him. Buster also mentioned that his dad’s first job was to sweep out the schoolhouse at Ferry Point and for that chore he received $8 a month.

Later, Huddleston and his son showed us where he had lived as a child, west of his grandmother’s place, and where another cabin was that they raised chickens to sell. We stopped by the Southard graves and recognized some names from Happy Camp history. We saw where Buster’s Dad had lived as a child before the family moved to Happy Camp for high school. We saw the site of the old one room schoolhouse. The most fun, of course, is to hear the stories of the people who used to live there.

Someone once came by and asked Mr. Southard how far his property went, and he replied, “See that Winchester there, about as far as it can shoot!”

Pete, the mailman, that brought Stella Patterson to the Dear Mad’m cabin in 1946, also used to give Huddleston a ride down to Ti-Bar. It was a great afternoon hearing about those days when every creek had a miner’s cabin or even some cabins where there was only a spring or they had to pack water.

We went back to the Reunion as there were more old time friends and family still to visit with. But he left us wishing we knew more about the Hastings brothers, Taylor’s Ranch, and those characters who lived down where Tinkum Creek met Titus Creek to flow into the Klamath and Robert E. Lee Southard and his family had their cabin.

When I got home and opened the computer, a quote popped up in bold black letters on a bright yellow background.” When you are young your grandparents try to tell you their history, and you don’t care because it doesn’t interest you at the time Later on, you wish you had written what they said down.” (Quote by Lillian Trujillo.) It isn’t likely that we really don’t care, but we are too busy. Too bushy to listen. Too busy to sit and hear all the stories, and we think that we will someday, later. But sometimes, we keep so busy and don’t have time, until there is no one left to tell us the stories and we have lost a priceless treasure! Take time today.

Friday Night Dinner at the Art Center and other News!

Friday Night Dinner at the Art Center. Yes! Alan Crockett has announced a very special menu for Friday night July 29th. ‘…Hey, just wait till you hear the menu for the next dinner…

Jon Grunbaum is whipping up the tastiest Spaghetti and Meatball dinner this side of Sicily (with a veggie option of course). With loads of Jon’s life changing Garlic Bread and a Garden Fresh Green Salad to boot!

Oh yeah, We’ve just got a great selection of drinks to try and a sensational music mix if I do say so myself.

Here’s hoping you can make it. ‘ Don’t forget that when you enjoy the special menu Friday night, that you are also helping to support the Art Center! For more inforation, go to the Art Center information (with a photo of the Crockett’s and Michael Hentz) on Happy Camp News Art & Entertainment page!

Cheerful servers offered good things to eat while rockin the Klamath

Check out the calendar and let us know new events to put on the Happy Camp Calendar, please.

Community page has new pictures of the 15th Annual KARUK REUNION last Saturday! New business in town, and one that moved to Highway 96 to a new place also got their pictures in the paper.

On the Opinion Page is a Perspective by Pete on the Art & Treasure Weekend!

Art & Entertainment has more photos of Rockin the Klamath in July.

Children’s page has photos of those youngsters who took their flight into adult world at Graduation from HAPPY CAMP HIGH SCHOOL June 11th. Also, did you see the winners of the Fishing Derby there?

Church News has anniversary news from the Happy Camp Bible Church.

There will soon be the addition of the Bigfoot Jamboree page so keep an eye open for it!!

Thank you, dear readers, for your interest in Happy Camp and all the activity and all our neighbors along the beautiful, wild Klamath River!!

I thank you sincerely!
Judy Bushy, editor