“Welcome to Happy Camp” Project
The Happy Camp Chamber is always so very grateful to VOLUNTEERS. Happy Camp as a small unincorporated community seems to run on volunteers working together to do what needs to be done! This is especially true of some young people who will be working to fix the “Welcome to Happy Camp News sign east of town!
Remington, Liberty, Klamath and Kimberlee Kay will be hosting fundraisers in order to raise money to purchase the supplies to repair and repaint the “Welcome to Happy Camp” SIGN. The Sign belongs to the Happy Camp Chamber and they are working with the Happy Camp Chamber so we can fix the sign.
They will be hosting a fundraiser book/lemonade/bake sale soon, date to be decided yet, to raise money to fix the “Welcome to Happy Camp” sign. They are starting from scratch scratch with zero funds for this project. They have some Naturegraph and other local books donated from the Chamber that will be available for a $10.00 donation per book to the “Welcome to Happy Camp” sign project.” Some are out of print since Slater Fire destroyed the Naturegraph facility in Happy Ca, September 8, 2020.
Thank you in advance!