Your help with Remembrances Appreciated!!!

There were many opportunities for fun, great food and walking down Memory Lane fabout what things were like in the forties and fifties last weekend. We learned and shared stories from the past, around the tables at luncheon and Pancake Breakfast, as well as in conversations and program for Dear Mad’m.. Can you help us solve some mysteries?

Sis came by the Chamber office and shared how Ray Knuteson’s home was moved from Down River to Indian Meadows years ago. I’d forgotten that move. John and Alice Covert also had a large home down at Ferry Point that CalTrans bought the property out from under. Their home was moved except for the large fireplace. Does anyone know where it was moved, and if it is still in existence? Besides the Coverts, we’d like to know more about the families living down at Ferry Point at that time. Can anyone fill us in on Fred Crooks, who was called “Dear Sir” in the book? How about Clarence, “Cy,” Jenson who was known as “Up’n up” or who his wife, “Nora” was? Did anyone know the family well enough to know their baby boy, “Benji or what his real name was?” We have found out “Frenchy” was Henry Marquette. Does anyone know more about Frenchy or when he drowned in the Klamath River?
I’d especially like to know more about the young girl, called “Millicent,” who visited Stella while she was writing about living in a cabin on the mining claim along the Klamath River. in 1946-8.
Any other information about Happy Camp and especially the area south on Highway 96 around Ferry Point, its residents, visitors and history from about 1946 to 1955 in particular would be appreciated. Then, there is the story of the three ladies who moved there later. When did they come, and what do you know about Marie Miller, Vivian Witt and Joan Richardson? Thank you for your help in learning more of these details.


  • ~willow~ shows a Henry F. Marquette born 1883, died April 17, 1963 in Siskiyou, California. His grave is in Evergreen Cemetery in Yreka. There is a miner’s pick and shovel on his headstone.

    In the 1910 census there is a Henry F. Marquette, age 26, living in Beltrami County Minnesota. He is single, his occupation is listed as farmer, and he owned his own farm. Both of his parents were born in Germany. His own birthplace is listed as Wisconsin.

  • Judy Bushy

    Dear Willow,
    Thank you for the information on the grave in Yreka!!
    Perplexed as to whether this is the same Henry Marquette called “Frenchy” in the book, Dear Mad’m. His drowning in the Klamath River was thought to be closer to 1946 when Stella came here at age of 80, and recounted in the book published 1956. This needs further investigation.
    Thank you for locating a Henry Marquette who may have been a relative or just so we are aware…..
    Judy Bushy, Friends of Dear Mad’m

  • Cheryl McBirnie

    My grandparents had a place near Clear Creek across from the River. I remember Frenchy and Mr. Crooks. I have fond memories spending my summers there. Grandfather worked on the roads and they had a camp next to where the swimming hole was. I know Happy Camp has changed over the years and is not the same. I have my memories! Best Cheryl

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