Jamboree Floats Make a Parade!!
In the business category, Double J Sports and Spirits/ABC Logging had a float with the younger “loggers” and logging equipment for first place.
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Online News for the Klamath River Valley
In the business category, Double J Sports and Spirits/ABC Logging had a float with the younger “loggers” and logging equipment for first place.
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What a wonderful weekend! Happy Camp had a great time for the Bigfoot Jamboree. Tracy Burcell, Leonie Jacobson, Donna McCulley, Linda Zink, Janet Burcell are to be congratulated on all the work of the Coordinating Council in planning and setting up this weekend. When taking pictures at the parade, I was amazed by the crowds of onlookers watching the parade from Davis Road down Highway 96 and west several blocks. Seemed like a great many unfamiliar faces so we must have had more than the usual number of friends and family members from other places come for the weekend.
I just received an e-mail from Shawna, who said, “We had a GREAT time in Happy Camp this weekend. As always, it was a huge hit with our boys (2 and 4) and the 8th graders did a great job with the breakfast this year.” The pancake breakfast was very successful bringing in over a thousand dollars for the class.
The Ducky Race, where you could “adopt” a little yellow duck, was popular. They all went in the Creek at 2nd Avenue Bridge and Mary Koon’s duck reached the mouth first. Denise Smith’s duck was 2nd, Terry Holloway’s duck 3rd and Lessie Aubrey’s Duck came in fourth place.
Mr. Dyar was the parade announcer. Parry’s Market won the grand prize in the parade. The Bigfoot Jamboree parade over Labor Day weekend was ably organized by Leonie Jacobsen with the assistance of Nell. Leonie’s husband, Kenny, and grandson, Garret, were assisting, too.
The Commercial or Business category entries were Double J/ABC Logging winning 3rd place, Scott Valley Bank won 2nd place and Elk Creek Campground won first place. For the Organizations, Happy Camp Ambulance won 3rd place, Happy Camp Fire District won 2nd place, and Karuk Demonstration Dancers won First Place. Individual entries in the parade, winners were Aubrey Hill Girls with their pet dogs won 3rd place, Katelyn Driskell, riding horseback, with Charlene Driskell and Super Driskell took 2nd place, and the 1957 red T Bird belonging to Terry Hillenberg won 1st place. The grand prize winner was Parry’s Market. Jay and Stella Clark were the Grand Marshalls riding in Carol Day’s beautiful blue convertible! Alan Dyar was the announcer of the parade and judges were Marilyn Townsend. Teri Holloway and Ron Kern.
The Bounce House at the Park was run by Nell Sakota for the Happy Camp Community Easter Egg Hunt. I didn’t see the Bounce House on Sunday but it wasn’t active on Saturday. It is hard to be two places at the same time! It was a wonderful Labor Day weekend in Happy Camp and I heard from so many who had a great time for the Bigfoot Jamboree. Tracy Burcell, Leonie Jacobson, Donna McCulley, Linda Zink, Janet Burcell are to be congratulated on all the work of the Coordinating Council in planning and setting up this weekend.
All the little yellow ducks for the Ducky Race went in Indian Creek at 2nd Avenue Bridge and Mary Koon’s duck reached the mouth first! Denise Smith’s duck was 2nd, Terry Holloway’s duck 3rd and Lessie Aubrey’s Duck came in fourth place
My most wonderful time was from seeing my son and older daughter who brought our 4 year old grandson for his first visit to Happy Camp. Despite spending three-forth’s of his life in surgeries, chemotherapy and stem-cell transplant, he has now been in remission for one year. Besides being our only grandchild at present, it is just so neat to see him healthy and active (very active!) and talkative. Every question you answer comes with another question. Curiosity and wonder at the world around us are so refreshing in a child!
The pancake breakfast and parade were fun for him. After a little time at the park, we couldn’t find the Bounce House. The other children introduced him to silly string and noisy snapping caps. Everyone found lots of varieties of junk food to enjoy. The playground equipment was fun. But by the time we got back home, he was “out” and napped the rest of the day. That is how he recharges his battery to keep in perpetual motion!
Grand parenting is such a fun time of life.
The Karuk Tribe’s float.
The Dear Mad’m Cabin
Sunday, the highlight of the Bigfoot Jamboree was the Parade. The theme was “The Heritage of Happy Camp.”
Double J and ABC Logging worked together on the number #1 commercial float. Elk Creek Campground came in 2nd in the commercial entries with a little cabin with Charlotte as Stella Patterson, and “DearSir” and “UpandUp” along. These characters are from Stella Patterson’s book of memoirs, Dear Mad’m.
Organizations were also in full swing. Family Resource Center was 1st place, Tom White on horseback with his POW flag was 2nd, and Smokey and the Forest Service won 3rd place in Organizations.
Bigfoot was especially energetic this time and even got into a tussle with some of the men, and he was 1st in the Individual category. Tom and Linda Seals in their 1923 T-bucket roadster came in 2nd and Katlynn Driskell with Charlene, Paul and Jim Driskell were third place.
The Grand Prize went to the Karuk Dancers. Grand Prize winning Karuk Dancers float were Shauniece Polmateer and Stormy Polmateer, Mikala Polmateer, Mac Polmateer, Jay Jay Reed, Charley Reed, Jason Reed, Rony Reed and David Arwood.
Judges were Buster Attebery, Jordon Blackford and Carol Day. The Grand Marshall was Don Zink.
by Judy Bushy
Friday night, August 31st is the grand coronation of the Bigfoot Queen in Happy Camp. The event will take place in the River Park Pavilion at 6 PM in the evening. Following the presentation of the Queen and her court, the teen dance will begin.
Saturday will be a big day with food, crafts and other vendors all day at the park. The traditional Salmon BBQ with cook Bill Cook, will also be held.
Sunday is the “Wild West” parade at 11 o’clock beginning by the post office on Davis Road, down Highway 96 to Second Avenue where the parade turns down and over the bridge over Indian Creek. Kenny and Donna McCulley will be the Grand Marshalls of this years parade!
Come for fun and enjoy visiting with your neighbors along the banks of the wild Klamath River!
By Judy Bushy
Seiad Day is a big event in the little town of Seiad Valley. Being one of those little places along Highway 96 where you might be missed if someone closed their eyes, they nonetheless are not lacking in community spirit. This is especially true when it comes to the local Seiad Valley Volunteer Firefighters!! The firefighters are greatly appreciated and supported by the community. One way is by the Seiad Day activities.
This year Seiad Day began with a Fun Run. You could Run (or walk) one mile or three and get your blood pumping for the rest of the day’s activities. Then it was time to line up for the Seiad Day parade. First came the sirens. The rescue vehicles came down the street and the crowd cheered their appreciation of them, although the kids scramble for candy. Mario Gomez was driving the Forest Service truck with Smokey Bear!
Connie, Rebecca, Gwen and Pat are the lady Miners from Mid River RV park and about the ‘best old crazy’ gold diggers call themselves. Mid-River Lady Miners.
River Valley 4H Club had Philomena, Rita, and Zoey Walsh, Jeffrey Kanawyer, Abigail Eadie, Natalie Driskell, Gabriella, Michael and Christopher Riehm, Nonna Simmons with their current year awards and projects. They gave special Thanks to Jennifer Johnson for her help with the Gardening project and Richard McLearan and Seiad Mini-Storage for donation of the quad for their float. The 4 H leaders are Danielle Riehm-Cruz and Rebecca Sehuh.
Chris and Max on bicycle and cart behind the bike represented River Connection Realty encouraging bystanders to see Mom, Carol Nelson at River Connection for all Realty needs.
Wes Timbrook was driving Brian Helsapple’s State of Jefferson tractor. Brian Helsapple was the man who started the Seiad Day and for many years was the announcer. Brian was also the ‘spark’ behind the Klamath River Chamber of Commerce and an active leader in not only birding and such, but also many community activities.
All the Way from Happy Camp were Gini, Ivan and Jerry in a balloon-covered car inviting one and all to come buy antiques at Siskiyou House! Ron Heatherington drove his Model A Ford from ’29.
Representing the Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 52 was Vickie Simmons, Chairman and James Simmons, Jeffrey Kanawyer, and Michael Riehm. Some others who were in both 4H and Boy Scouts didn’t make the quick change to go around twice.
Then came the horsewomen, Sam O’Reilly rode Joey; Victoria Jones rode Sammy and Kelsea McLearan. Peggy Goshgarian came on Sunny and Hellsley while Bill had Freddy. Bill later introduced me to Johnny and Florence and some of the other mules who are so friendly and like big Labrador dogs who like to be petted and scratched and given some attention. These are some of the animals that help packing in work crews and supplies to accomplish work on the trails of the wilderness areas.
After the parade there were numerous games for the children, and a bounce house that looked like a clown that was particularly fun. Snow cones and popcorn were available thanks to teenage helpers. They also did the ping-pong ball toss, the shotgun (cork) duck targets, the twirling wheel of prizes and other games for the little tykes.
In the meantime the Horseshoe tournament was getting started on the lawn. Smokey Bear was posing for pictures while his helpers handed out posters and goodies for the kids. There were beautiful wooden toys and objects for sale by a woodworker. The Klamath Valley Four H Club had a display of trophies, plaques and ribbons that they had won, some from the fair. Chicken poop bingo was also surrounded by crowd cheering the reluctant fowl on.
One of the big fundraisers is the auction of donated items. There were woodworking, sewing, ink stitches and paintings. Almost every imaginable craft has a craftsperson in Seiad Valley busy making something to auction at the Fire Hall. It was fun just to see all the items. A Care-bear Quilt and an old barn sketch were some of the items. White Elephant items, some really treasures, were offered at silent auction. The bidding was hearing up all morning to be the last to make the winning bid!
Hamburgers and snacks were also available at the Seiad Fire Hall. Later in the evening a big dinner would take place and the evening end with a community dance with Bluestews making music.
By Judy Bushy
Despite all the excitement along the Klamath River with dozens of lightening caused fires in July, the Bigfoot jamboree is still planned for August 30th. That friday night will be the coronation of the Bigfoot Queen and the teen dance. Saturday all the vendors plan to be on hand again for food, fun, and games. This brings a great opportunity to visit with Klamath neighbors that have returned to Happy Camp!!
The theme for the parade that traditionally starts from Davis Road, is “Wild West.” Plan your float and begin to get ready! September 2nd the floats, marchers, horseback riders and other entries will gather between the post office and Parry’s Market for the parade down Highway 96 to Second Avenue to the bridge over Indian Creek. It’s a great time and the kids look forward to seeing Bigfoot!
In 1987 the fires caused the Bigfoot jamboree to be canceled but that’s a very rare situation since it began in 1966. Come visit the best Bigfoot Jamboree ever!!